In constant progress


Trial World Championship, in its two different classes -Indoor and Outdoor-, is the scenario choosen by Braktec, a branch of J.Juan, to develop and achieve the best possible progress of its products.

Thanks to the agreement with Gas Gas and the factory Trial Team, the new Gas Gas Replica Factory are fitted with the new parts developed by Braktec: new master cylinders for brakes and clutch, and new brake callipers. Master cylinders are now very ergonomic, so the new design of their clamps avoids collissions with the knees of riders under special situations such climbing big steps. Talking about brakes, they have improved in power, feeling, progressive action and precision.

Adam Raga, Factory Rider in the Gas Gas Team, had the chance of testing the brand new Braktec parts under competition conditions, in the first stage of the 2013 World Trial Championship, in Japan. Both rider and team have been very satisfied with the job Braktec has done with these new components.

Trial requires a very specific performances from both master cylinders, clutch and brake, because they have to combine the proper feeling with a lot of power and precission, in a very compact and light set.

The new brake master cylinder in 20% lighter than the previous one, has been improved in reliability, output and precission, as Adam Raga could check. The calliper has been redesigned, too; now is a monoblock set, and combining them with the new wave rotor, ‘brake power is much bigger, which allows the rider a better action of locking the front wheel’, said Xavi Zapata, Project Manager in the Gas Gas Trial Team.

Regarding to the rear brake evolution, the rear wheel has been fitted with a very smart system which allows to keep the piston calliper and brake pads properly mounted while taking out the wheel, without having to unfit them. ‘It makes the process of changing wheels extremely easy, even under the worst conditions our customers could find, as an extreme competition’  Zapata said.

Adam Raga

To be able to achieve the proper amount of performances in all their parts, the Braktec staff works with the priceless help of Adam Raga. Let’s know wha3t one of the best trial riders ever wants to find in its bike.
Adam, which kind of feeling coming from the clutch you like to find in your bike?
‘I like to feel it as if it would be a kind of spring… I mean I want a fast return of the lever while releasing it. This way I’m able to find much more feeling when trying to jump an obstacle.’
And what about brakes?
‘Talking about brakes, I dislike to find them spongy, I rather prefer to feel them very stiff in order to achieve the precission that any trial competition requires.’
Do you have any special habit related to the response of brakes and cluth?
‘Well, to be honest, I don’t have any special habit… Related to clucth, I like to find a fast response of the bike after a very small finger movement, to go revvy very easy.
Satisfied with the job of Braktec?  
‘Yes. I’ve been always asking for a very fast clutch and for a stiffer brake. I think we have achieved the optimum point of developing to be competitive under every kind of condition. And we keep on working to improve even more.’