J.Juan’s laboratory is a benchmark in the sector, which has expert tehcnicians in testing hydraulic braking systems and conduction systems that work with the best instruments for the development and validation of new products as well as the serial product.
Some of the instruments of which it is equipped are:
High capacity programmable ovens to test variable temperature cycles from -45ºC to 180ºC, with fluid pressure (H2O, DOT4, Mineral Oils, etc.) variable from 0 Bar to ~ 200 Bar.
Characterization banks to obtain feelings, rollback and knockback.
Whip test durability machine for testing flexible hydraulic pipe according to applicable standards (SAE J1401, FMVSS 106, etc).
Expansion test means for hydraulic pipe.
Sealing test machine for high pressure (up to 1,600 Bar).
Test machine of exposure to UV rays.
Test benches for durability and obtaining performance of hydraulic braking systems and control cables.
Programmable vibration banks with variable frequency and amplitude.
Salt fog chamber for corrosion tests.
White room for cleaning tests.
Programmable dynamometers for stress tests.
The J.Juan dynamic test equipment has in its staff highly qualified riders in brake systems and recognized to perform the tests of these products in vehicles. The collaboration with riders coming from international championships brings a greater knowledge to the Group, as well as the security of having taken the developed systems in the most extreme conditions of use. J.Juan also has a test box equipped with state-of-the-art testing and telemetry systems to parameterise and objectively study the behavior of its brakes.
J.Juan laboratory, a sector reference
Javier del Amor – RFME Champion- is the J.Juan testing rider
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