Since the last 6th October, J.Juan Group is a new board member of ANESDOR, the Spanish motorcycles’ association also member of the European ACEM. ANESDOR brings together all the players of the motorcycles industry, from the two-wheel manufacturers to the OEM components. From his sectorial platform, it looks for solutions and progress facing the administration to defend and improve the motorcycle status, his security and his visibility as well as means of transport suitable for numerous circumstances (as for example the of the large city center ‘circulatory decongestion’).

J.Juan Group has already been asked to provide to the ANESDOR management board the components manufacturers vision (security or not) of the motorcycles and serve as an example for a lot of sector companies that are positioning the Spanish technology as one of the leading in the world. Maria Angeles Juan Verdejo, General Manager of J.Juan Group, has declared: ‘I’m honored to join the trade association that defines and defends the interest of the motorcycles sector in Spain. The union of all brands, riders, technicians and auxiliary company makes us stronger and more experts. That’s why it is so important to have a cohesive entity, like ANESDOR, which coordinate the motorcycle manufacturers needs and the reputed auxiliary sector, and is a challenge for all of us to work hard to reinforce our position in the competitive global market. Our great challenge and commitment is to work for a continue development and innovation, providing technology and know-how the manufacturing.