Motostudent 2014Motorland-Alcañiz (Spain). October 3rd 2014

Again this year J.Juan has been the Brand responsible for supplying the brake systems for the teams in the Motostudent 2014, an important international competition that involves universities from all around the world and for which some of the most important motorcycle companies collaborate.

The Motostudent is a university competition where a Moto 3 motorcycle must be designed and manufactured, which finally will compete al together on the Alcañiz track in a 1 day race. J.Juan has prepared a front and rear brake system in order to fit these motorcycles, seeking for a compromise between weight and performance.

Motostudent 2014
J.Juan, as supplier for this event, sent two of its engineers in order to attend as juror in the presentation and evaluation of the submitted motorcycles, before the race held on October 3rd in Motorland.