J.Juan will double its capacity of production in Europe in 2017 with the reindustrialisation of Delphi factory

  • The new factory will be dedicated exclusively to the Divisions of brakes and competition
  • The new acquisition will count on employing 120 ex Delphi workers with a huge experience in technological and of productive processes capacity
  • J.Juan will also close 2016 with the expansion of China plant and with the inauguration of the new factory that will produce brakes with J.Juan technology in India

J.Juan grows and makes great strides. The last 16th of November, it signed the reindustrialisation agreement of Delphi factory in Sant Cugat (Barcelona). Thanks to that, J.Juan rides to double its production surface in Spain and it will multiply of 2,5% its capacity of production and turnover. The Group will reach the end of a special 2016 year, rich of news and where it has witnessed to a sensational growth thanks to the expansion of the China plant, the inauguration of the new Indian factory and the production aims in Spain.

J.Juan is the OEM supplier of the major number of motorcycle Brands, with 80 clients all over the world. Its reliable solutions are equipping the 90% of occidental motorbikes, and the request keeps growing. The enlargement of the production capacity in its three big areas (Europe, China and India) has been essential to respect the needs of the customer requests. These needs has allowed J.Juan to grow, moving from a turnover of 30 millions in 2014 to a 43,5 forecast at the end of 2016, with an increase of 40% in only two years.

In the old Delphi plants, J.Juan will localize all its European production of brakes working in the Gavá with the production of hydraulic mesh pipe, tubes and cables, the products that affirmed J.Juan worldwide reputation in the two wheels sector.

For the plant of Gavá, the acquisition of the old Delphi plants represents the maximum tip in a year of investments and operative and production growth.

The beginning of 2016 assisted to the upgrade of the production capacity of the Chinese factory in Jiaxing, located in the area of Zhejiang, just 100 kilometres far from Shanghai, and the celebration during the year of its tenth anniversary from birth. With a productivity report of 100.000 euros for each employed, J.Juan China is gaining a very important weight in the Asian market.

In August, J.Juan has inaugurated the factory for the production of motorcycle brakes in Jalgaon (India). This plant, property of the worldwide corporation of car brakes Chassis Brake International, has been structured following the technical instructions of J.Juan, that supplied its technological and know-how skills in this sector. The Indian factory will produce the brakes branded KBX and J. Juan for the Indian market, where 12 million motorbikes are produced every year.

Among other things, in India occurred also the biggest technological success of this year for the enterprise of Gavá. Its CBS system (Combined Brake System) has been one of the biggest news of the market, as the orders received by the most prestigious Brands of the Asian market demonstrate.

But… who is J.Juan?

With more of 50 years of history, J.Juan is the worldwide leader in the production of hydraulic mesh pipes for brakes and clutches for motorcycle, and the second brakes producer in Europe. The great reputation of J.Juan is principally due to the innovation realized in the two wheels sector with the hydraulic pipes.