A total of 492 riders approached the activity area of ​​the motorcycle show in Barcelona, where they have had chance to test J.Juan brakes riding a Kawasaki 600.

From Thursday March 30 to Sunday April 2, the J.Juan group was attending Motoh Barcelona with the biggest stand of the fair. The purpose was the realization of ‘Apurando la frenada, the activity already proven by the company of Gavà in which a high-powered motorcycle with J.Juan brakes is made available for public test sessions. For the second time, the event was a success, surpassing even the numbers of its first edition organized during last year Spanish MotoGP. There was a great flux of people throughout the days with men and women -of all ages- approaching the stand with the aim of beating the best result. The test was very simple: accelerate to reach 40 km / h and brake in the shortest possible distance. 6.30 meters was the best achieved result. A special mix of a good rider and good brakes.